Friday, February 19, 2010

Week 5: Assignment

I am considered to be a INTJ, also known as "The Scientist", my primary mode of living is focused internally, this is when I take things with my intuition.  My secondary mode is external, this is where I deal with things rationally and logically. 

As a INTJ we are always planning and are full of ideas.We consider a variety of  abstract concepts valuable such as competence, intelligence, knowledge, and the concept of having and maintaining high standards, which in some eyes are never fulfilled.  We do however expect some aspects just like other people do to a lesser extent.

A INTJ  we spend a large portion of our energy in looking at the world and creating ideas as well as possibilities. Our minds are always gathering and sorting data that we hope could help in the future. As scientists we tend to catch on and understand ideas that are being brought up for the first time, and we are very insightful. Although we enjoy understanding a new concept we get even more joy out of being able to apply this concept in a way that is useful. INTJs have a tendency to not stop something until we have came to a conclusion, or a closure that is organized and majority of the time some form of action is needed.  

  All of this information that I have retained greatly adheres to who I am. However I am still wondering what makes an INTJ such a great scientist. Well here goes, our need for organization, and to have a system of how to complete things, added with our insightfulness and our value, all this combined makes us a great scientists. Scientist in a way are like Santa Claus for our society, because we take our ideas create and form them into a useful form so that other people can follow and use them as well.  However, it is not easy for us to show emotions as well as our internal images. They are so individualized that it can't really be translated in a way that others will understand. This is when we come up with a way to translate our ideas and form them into that plan or a system that can be explained.  We lack the concept of direct translation, and we tend to not be able to express our non-linear ideas. This will push us to explain how we are to a particular person that we feel is worthy of the effort.

A natural leader is an INTJ, even though we like to stay in the background until we feel the need to take the lead. Scientist are effective leaders, because we see the true situation as it is, we are able to adapt to the changing of things that are not really working. We are also know as the "Supreme Strategists", because we are always looking at current ideas and concepts to weigh them to other ideas that we have to see which is better.

We tend to be so involved in our own minds that we don't really get interested about the feelings and the thoughts of other people.  We do have trouble when it comes to giving the proper intimacy needed. 

Our Interest in the world is mainly for the purposes of decision making, to express our judgements, and to try to place everything that we soak in into a system and make it understandable.  Our intuitions are very evolved, and we are quick to judge.  It is true that we believe that we are always right.  We tend to be misunderstood alot of the time, therefore we try to blame it on other people when all it is is a limitation we have of not being able to properly explain ourselves. INTJ's can be considered arrogant as well as elitist.

INTJs are very self-confident, as well as ambitious, we are often thought of as long-range thinkers. Alot end up in a scientific or an engineering field of study.  However a few of our type find the business field exciting. We hate messes as well as inefficiency. We also aren't big plans of anything being unclear we love clarity. We  do what it takes to put our insights into a proper structure pattern.

We have been identified as reserved. We aren't big on positive support or praise. We tend to not show our affection. We are always open for new ways of doing things that are more sufficient. 

As INTJs we need to remember to express ourselves properly and try to explain the way we are clearly. We tend to be short with people and we are known for being isolationists.

INTJs see the big picture. We have are able to accomplish great things. We are very competitive people, and we usually do not have any trouble meeting our goals in life.  We have the ability to have a rewarding life.

Jungian functional preference ordering:

Dominant: Introverted Intuition
Auxilliary: Extraverted Thinking
Tertiary: Introverted Feeling
Inferior:; Extraverted Sensing

I am surprised in what I found, however that totally describes me.  I do believe that each child's personality lay a important role in how they learn. I also believe that certain experiences and the way your are brought up effects how you perceive concepts and how think and even how you do things.

I believe that as a teacher I need to be aware of the personalities that are in my classroom. I also believe that I
I need to be able to be involved with my students understanding methods. This is done by figuring out which ways each of the students comprehend and maintain information that is most sufficient for them. There personality is going to have an impact on the style of learning that they are acceptable too.  As a teacher I am going to need to look in my tool box for different methods and strategies for different students.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Week 4: Assignment

Excel is a great attribute in the classroom it is a great way to show data. It also gives the teachers a clear canvas so that they create there own form of presentation to show the students.  It allows your to present, calculate and store data I think that is a great asset to have. I have used excel for many things anywhere from teaching equine classes to keeping up with my bills and my checkbook. I honestly don't think that I could live without it.  I love being able to make a worksheet of a horse and have them fill in the blanks with the proper answer.  I also use it to create a schedule program for the week that way my roomie and i can coordinate who cooks and so on. When I use it to keep up with my checkbook i'll have to say that it is so much more convenient that having to pull a calculator out and use it over and over again.

I believe that people who are use to excel take one look at it and get intimdated by it and never attempt to use it.  Especially those who try to use the formula portion of it. 

After using excel to create and maintain a gradebook, I will definitely use this when I become a teacher it will be more suffiicient than a paperback gradebook that you can lose.  I also believe that the calculator is a lot more dependable than my old rusty mind.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Third Posting

The Video broke down the process into steps. The video was very informative and I think that this would be useful software to use in a classroom. Us as teachers would be able to use it in many ways such as slideshows, or a graph to show data, and even as diagrams. It's also a great way to brainstorm and even when you want the class to get involved and assist you in brainstorming. I personally could use it to show the percentages of minerals and nutrients in certain feeds compared to the price that they cost. This will help insure us that we are actually getting what we are paying for. 

Technology is a large asset in today's society. It has also worked it's way into the classroom, and to be truthful I think it could and in some ways have been a blessing. It helps prepare students for what's in the future.  In my field there's a lot of breaking down of animal systems and exploring those parts and how each one of them assist the other one to form the system, we also assign a lot of writing of journals, research papers, and abstracts.  With technology they can do research inside or outside of the class.  They can even post it in a blog, or on one of the websites such as kidscribe so that they can retain tips and get there paper critiqued by peers.For me I never fully understand the topic that I have prepared to teach until I have taught it to an actual class, and still then the more I teach it the better I learn and understand it.